Academic Decathaon 2018
Each person in your group must make a frog. Then as a group decide which frog will jump the farthest. RULES for getting your frog to jump: You can only use one finger to make your frog jump. You can only pick up the frog to turn it right side up. There will be no tossing, flinging, pushing, or throwing your frog. **** Think positively- You can Toadly do this!!!! Contest #1: Each group gets three attempts to make their choosen frog jump the farthest. The longest jump will be measured. Contest #2: Each person in the group must participate. This a LEAP frog relay! Beginning at a starting point each team will start their frogs jumping and must jump over their group member's frog before the next person may go. First group to make it to the finish line wins. Video: Each group will use the same video to create the origami frog: